Monday, June 8, 2015

Being right vs. not being wrong

Original post:  Dec 10, 2012

In Computerworld, there is an opinion piece with the title "Being Right vs. Not Being Wrong".

This article discusses the reptutation that computer scientists seem unable to shake. There is a perception that these "geeks" always have to be right. What makes matters worse, it may seem that these individuals also have to prove they know more than anyone else about everything.

I think that just about everyone believes they are right about most things most of the time. What we may need to understand is that conceding that you are right doesn't necessarily make me wrong.

Sometimes, we can fall prey to the desire to correct every last piece of information. That happened to me recently with one of my boys. I thought a clone trooper figure that they had was wearing the original Phase I armor when it was actually the improved Phase II armor (as I should have been able to tell by the slight variation in the helmet--silly Daddy). Let's just say that while this type of correction is technically accurate, it won't win over many converts!

The article goes on to point out some pharses that we can use to help improve our relations with our co-workers. I know I will personally work to incorporate more of this into my everyday life:

  • "You're right, and..."
  • "Let me make sure I understand."
  • "I really like your idea!"

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