Sunday, June 14, 2015

Like the very first time

Original post:  Mar 13, 2014

Recently, I had the chance to attend two different sessions of the same meeting. There was a speaker who presented at both of the meetings. While the exact words were different, the basic story was similar in each session. I remembered the general idea as the speaker went through their pitch. I also recalled that there were certain phrases worded in exactly the same way in both speeches.

Given the role this person plays, I am not surprised that there is repetition in the presentation. It is much easier to present honestly if you know the overall substance of your talk. You can fill in little details here and there to customize it to an audience. As long as there is enough energy and fire in the presentation, your audience will respond.

It is tremendously difficult to speak convincingly to an audience. It is even more difficult to give a similar speech over and over again without losing focus. If the speaker is tired of saying the same thing repeatedly, the audience can easily sense the difference and will be much less likely to receive the message favorably. The best speakers find a way to infuse their talks with energy levels similar to the first time they speak on the subject. That ability helps to separate the good from the great.

There are some studies that talk about how little we remember when we hear it. I can't find the exact reference, but I read somewhere that we need to hear something at least seven times for us to remember it. Our minds are also surprisingly clever about making subtle changes to the message and then convincing us that these altered memories were the way that the event actually happened!

This is why it is so incredibly important to work on your communication constantly. There is a reason why you are speaking. You have to help to convey that message convincingly in whatever time you are given. Many times, you will have to repeat that message over and over again before it is really understood. That persistence and the ability to present with authenticity will help you tremendously in just about any situation.

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