Monday, June 8, 2015


Original post:  Dec 3, 2012

Last week, I witnessed something extraordinary.

It is quite normal for leaders to be highly visible. These personnel are often extremely talented. They generally believe that no one else can succeed quite as well as they can. In many cases, they are right!

One obvious example of the charismatic leader in action is Steve Jobs. He was well known for dazzling presentations. His outsize persona often led to the blurring of the distinction between the man and his company.

While Steve Jobs was undoubtedly talented and certainly directly responsible for much of the success Apple enjoyed, there were also a number of highly successful lieutenants supporting the enterprise. As we have since learned, Tim Cook is a capable leader in his own right. While the company may head in a slightly different direction, there are multiple potential roads to success.

At a national sales meeting I attended last week, the senior leadership stepped away from the spotlight. They allowed their talented team to plan and execute a fantastic strategy. The meeting went extremely well. I think that victory ended up reflecting even more credit on the leadership's ability to build a solid team.

There are multiple roads to success. It is hard enough to succeed on your own. It is even more difficult to build a team that can do it together. The confidence shown in the team was repaid in full!

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