Sunday, June 14, 2015

The most interesting person in the room

Original post:  Mar 7, 2014

There is a commercial that plays on irony. It features "the most interesting man in the world". While the commercial is not meant to be serious, it does point out a real desire. At times, we'd all like to be the most interesting person in the world. This article from "The Week" gives "7 Ways to be the Most Intersting Person in Any Room".

Here are some of the key tips: 
  1. First, don't be boring.
  2. The most captivating people are often good listeners.
  3. Talk about the other person's interests.
  4. Have three good stories.
  5. Don't forget charisma.
  6. Be somewhere interesting.
  7. Live an interesting life!

While I think it's difficult to live an interesting life, I think the hardest for most people is to actually listen to the other person. Too often, we are wrapped up in trying to think about what we are going to say! This is especially true if we are trying doubly hard to come up with something witty or interesting to add to the conversation.

Here is the link to the full article:  7 ways to be the most interesting person in any room - The Week

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