Sunday, June 14, 2015

A matter of perspective

Original post:  Jan 17, 2014

As a parent of two young boys, there are times when I find myself struggling to maintain composure. At the same time, children have a way of changing your perspectives in more ways than you could have ever realized.

I envy the ability of my boys to find wonder in the world. They still believe deeply in magic. They are constantly running into situations they have never faced before and never fail to find the joy and excitement that I often miss. As an adult, you often know how the illusions work. But even at my most cynical point, I do find that their innocent awe allows me to suspend disbelief (if only for a moment).

Our experiences are often shaped by how we choose to perceive them. It isn't easy to step outside our narrow view and see things from a different perspective. At times, we might be amazed by the results.

I found an illusion online that illustrates this point. When seen from a particular angle, it literally seems to come alive. Watch it for yourself and let me know what you think.

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