Sunday, June 14, 2015

Why wanting is sometimes better than having

Original post:  Dec 23, 2013

Christmas is nearly here. My boys are filled with anticipation. They have asked for many things; they secretly desire many more. Ironically, they are passing through the time of year when they have already received many of the items on their wish lists. My younger son celebrates his birthday in October. My older boy has a birthday in early December. To be honest, they haven't even opened all of the toys they got from those celebrations!

I ran across an interesting article that discusses the psychology of our consumer society. We are bombarded with constant messages to buy more and to buy today. It's easy to get caught up in the madness. The article explains that what we truly crave often does not come down to specific items. Rather, it is the experience of shopping itself (coupled with the anticipation of the acquisition of the item) that is the true reward for most shoppers. It helps to explain why there is such a feeling of accomplishment when you acquire that thing that you so desperately desired at a special discounted price.

I decided to go in a slightly different direction this year. When my wife wanted to know what I would like for Christmas, I asked her to work with the boys. They had worked on a project for the open house at their school where they created crafts which showed who they were. I thought it would be nice if they shared three secret things about themselves that they thought I should know. I'm really looking forward to what they have put together.

I hope that your time with your family and friends is peaceful and joyous!

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