Wednesday, June 10, 2015

20 things 20-year-olds don't get

Original post:  Sep 19, 2013

I must be getting old. When you start identifying with this type of an article, the unmistakeable signs start staring back in the mirror.

That said, there is much of the advice that rings true no matter what your age. As I read through the list, I saw that there were some things I had always done. There were others I may have started on but still need to work on. There are still others that I have not yet put into play.

Here are the ones that resonate most for me:

  • Time is not a limitless commodity

It sounds so simple but it rings true. Even when I was 20, I was very aware of the precious nature of time. Perhaps it is why I have this relentless desire to find the most economical way to do just about anything. As I've grown older, I've learned that things always take longer than you think they will. I've also learned that you can never quite accomplish as much as you hope you will, but that with enough effort you can be satisfied with the result.

  • You're talented, but talent is overrated

No matter how insanely gifted anyone is, without hard work that talent is likely to be wasted. There is always someone who will be just a bit more talented. If it's not now, it will be soon.

  • Pick up the phone

I always prefer a face-to-face discussion if it is possible. You can learn so much more than you can over the phone. While a videoconference is OK, I still prefer live human interaction.

Which ones do you like? 

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