Monday, June 8, 2015

Sneak peek

Original post:  Apr. 3, 2012

Standard marketing strategy for most movies is to invite a select group of people in to see an advance copy of the movie. The audience for these special events gets to provide valuable feedback about what they liked (or didn't like) about the movie. Some movies even get re-worked or new endings based on the way that these test audience grade this preview.

Yesterday, a colleague shared with me their vision for the future at our company. It was a bold new strategy that has never been attempted before. I was quite impressed.

No one can know exactly what the future might bring. We all have hopes and wishes, but they often don't pan out exactly as we thought they would. I am reminded of that as I stare at my sad losing MegaMillions ticket. But every once in a while, we get a preview of what that future might be. As I watch my son play his t-ball games, you can begin to guess at the future of his teammates based on their current performance. There are, of course, no guarantees. Still, it's likely that the players who show those flashes of brilliance or aptitude are likely to be the better players as these children continue to mature.

In college, I spent a great deal of time in the theater. What I found most exciting was to direct plays. There is something about taking a script that is really nothing more than the outlines to a performance and creating something on a stage. It takes a great deal of planning and imagination. When it works, the results can be deliciously exquisite.

Watching this vision become reality over these next few years will be most exciting indeed!

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