Monday, June 8, 2015

Open debate

Original post:  November 11, 2011

I enjoy matching wits with others. I think it really started in college. There is something invigorating to me about listening to an argument and searching for the logical flaws. It's even better when you point those out and then your adversary finds a way to reverse that situation and challenge you in return. Some of these discussions can get rather heated. I don't think I'm alone in generally believing that my ideas are correct. I will passionately defend my points of view. At the end of these contests, I am generally willing to set our differences aside and move to the next topic with no animosity. I find that I can separate the person from the argument fairly well.

That quality has not endeared me to my in-laws. They are not as fond of this style. It might seem that all of that debate is arguing. In a way, they are right. I guess I don't see that type of verbal sparring as a negative. I like to be challenged because it forces me to test my own beliefs. Sometimes I learn that I am wrong. Contrary to popular opinion, I actually will admit that from time to time! I'm not so sure that they appreciate such spirited exchanges. As a result, I really try to rein myself in to avoid offense. I find in those situations that the clever retort is probably best left unstated.

Perhaps what makes this type of animated conversation so challenging is that it is often difficult to argue so vehemently without invoking emotion. As soon as an argument turns from logic to emotion, there are bound to be hurt feelings. Sometimes it is not possible to avoid these types of situations. Collateral damage, I guess....

If you are ever in a situation like that and I am arguing the other side, I'm warning you in advance that it is all business (nothing personal)!

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