Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reducing anxiety through song

On the Atlantic web site, there is an article about reducing anxiety by turning those negative thoughts into a song. It's actually an intriguing idea.

I find that there is tremendous power in music. Over the weekend, we had a lengthy discussion about Gabby Giffords. After she was shot in the head, her brain lost much of the normal ability to string together words in the manner we normally use to construct speech. She now learns her speeches as songs. It seems that the parts of her brain associated with music is still working and that she simply eliminates the music when giving speeches.

In my own life, it's amazing to me that I am able to recall so many things that are woven into songs. Many years ago, we invented a simple song in Spanish that I can still recall (even though my Spanish skills are actually almost non-existent).

I would imagine that the way that this particular phenomenon works is likely due to the fact that translating a fear into song might help to demystify it and make it much less frightening.

Here is the link to the full article:

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