Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Happiness as a choice?

On the Atlantic, there is an article entitled "Why So Many Smart People Aren't Happy". It's an extended discussion with author Raj Raghunathan on his book "If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?"

I find the topic fascinating. It's always tempting to compare yourself to others. I'm sure there are always situations where we firmly believe that we deserve much more than we actually receive. In my own opinion, I don't think that it's healthy to base our own happiness on our relative standing against others. There will always be someone richer or more powerful or more beautiful than what you see in the mirror. There will always be something you wish you had that you don't. Why not be happy with what you are blessed to receive?

I have always held to the belief that you find what you are looking for. In this case, it seems like there is confirmation for this in terms of our perception of happiness.

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