Monday, April 4, 2016

In ways you never expected

We often imagine that we have control of our lives. We believe that we can plan each moment to exact the precise outcome that we envisioned as we lay out our grand schemes. It all works perfectly in our minds. Then, of course, you actually have to set your plans into motion. As soon as they hit the world at large, we often see the wide gap between what we saw in our mind's eye versus the messy reality before us.

I am generally an optimistic person, but I also like to think that my hopeful view is tinged with a hefty dose of realism. I also believe that nothing that you would like to have in this life comes without some significant struggle. Incremental progress might be boring to some, but it is a way of life for me. If I can just get one thing accomplished daily, I can be satisfied that the slow accretion of miniature wins will eventually result in a major victory. It can be an exhausting struggle, but I am committed to the long haul.

In actuarial terms, I guess you could say I've probably reached the midway point in my journey. There are small signs that life is no longer on the upward trend. It's often little aches and pains that used to disappear overnight now take a few days to dissipate. That slight blur on the horizon now starts at about twenty feet or so. Still, I intend to rage against it all until the very end (even if the wind is howling and no one else can hear me).

Despite this all, I am still quite thankful. My life has been blessed in so many ways. While there may have been bumps and bruises along the route so far, my family and I have built up so many lasting memories. There are many more to come--even if they end up taking a different route than the one we had originally planned. That's OK. Life is often best when it serves you up what you never expected!

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