Sunday, December 13, 2015

More from Guy Kawasaki

Original post:  June 4, 2015

Mr. Kawasaki also provided his personal tips on presentations.

In his opinion, the optimal presentation has 10 slides. While he cheekily admitted that his presentation to us had more than 10 slides, he also added that his expertise gave him the right!

He also said the optimal presentation lasts for about 20 minutes. He said that was because the average meeting was an hour, and most Windows-based laptops took about 40 minutes to boot up and connect to the projector.

His last presentation point was to use 30 point font or greater. This would make the slides easy to read--even for a large audience. When you are speaking to a crowd of over 1,200 people, that makes sense to me!

He ended with a couple of quick asides about recent trends in social media. He said that an excellent test of your website (here he was speaking to the retailers in the audience) would be to try to pin a page and see which photo came up. He predicted great things for Pinterest--which just announced this week that they would allow users to add a "buy it" button:  Pinterest attempts to lure shoppers with 'Buy It' button - CNET

His last bit of advice to someone starting up in social media was to use what he called the NPR model. All year, NPR focuses on high quality content. Occasionally, they pause to run a pledge drive to support themselves. In the same way, he added that if you provide something useful, people will gravitate to your posts and/or site. That will then allow you the opportunity to pitch them from time to time. You can't pitch them all the time or they will stop coming by. I think this is very useful advice.

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