Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Teachers as performers

Original post:  Nov 20, 2014

Earlier this week, I heard a radio story talking about how some teachers are incorporating performance into their routines. They are trying to move away from the standard lecture format into more of an active, theatrical style.

My wife is a teacher and she agrees with the basic idea. Teaching is a difficult job even when you have engaged, willing students. This often thankless task becomes even more challenging when you layer complicated subject matter on top of disinterested pupils. If you can find different ways to make your material come alive for your target audience, I think you can surprise them with how much they can absorb!

There are many situations in our own work lives where we will have to teach others. It may be centered on a specific role or job. It might be informing a larger team about our role in a project. It might include a briefing to a steering committee or your sponsoring executive. Whatever the case, there is something to be learned by adopting the tactics in this article and "channeling your inner Springsteen". Of course, you can always substitute your preferred role model!

We may not all reach the heights of the fictional teacher Robin Williams plays in "Dead Poets Society." That doesn't mean we can't be inspiring in our own way.

Here is the link to the full radio story:  Channeling Springsteen: Teachers As Performers : NPR Ed : NPR

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