Friday, July 17, 2015

Delaying the inevitable

This morning, I found two gray hairs. There is an odd symmetry--one on each temple just above the ear. Nestled among their jet black neighbors, they certainly stand out prominently when you are looking for them.

While there are many ways to look at it, I suppose I should consider myself lucky. I've generally been able to avoid this for most of my life. Now that I am advancing in years, this is usually the inevitable result.

It's always amusing when you are watching others go to comical lengths to deny or delay the inevitable. It's not so funny when you see it in the mirror yourself.

Oddly enough, I almost feel resigned to my fate. There is no sense in getting upset over it. I could just pluck them out if they bothered me that much. I thought about it as I looked in the mirror this morning after my shower, but decided against it.

Lately, I've been reminded more and more of the slow erosion of my current state of being. As I wander down the hallways at work, the faces around me grow slightly more hazy until they are almost up on top of me. It seems like my sight is narrowing and closing in ever more tightly. I suppose the hair is just another gentle reminder that nothing is permanent.

I'm really glad that I'll get the chance to play ball with my son later today. It will help remind me of better days and the overall joy in being alive.

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