Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Starting off the New Year

Original post:  Jan 5, 2015

Over the holidays, I was reading an article on sports analytics. While it may seem as if the use of statistics to improve the performance of sports teams has no bearing whatsoever on the production of medical devices, I would challenge you to think about this excerpt:

At the end of the day, it boils down to this. The information is only as good as it is to the person receiving it. I’ll take a C+ piece of analysis communicated perfectly over an A+ piece of analysis that’s not communicated well. Only a small portion of the work is the analytics itself. The rest is putting it in a practical format so the salary-cap person and the coach can appreciate it and use it. Instead of trying to go overboard with analytics, focus on the practical: Focus on the things that have the highest impact on your organization.

This one paragraph really highlights my own personal goal for 2015. I'll be searching for those few great pieces of analysis and insight that can truly impact our organization. I will then challenge myself to communicate it as perfectly as humanly possible.

What's your goal for the New Year?

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