Monday, June 6, 2016

Beyond expectations

My younger son has traditionally been a step behind is big brother in many ways. Since they spend much of their time together, it's easy to notice that he is much less developed. That is especially true in athletic events. He can be very clumsy (witness the staples in his head from two weekends ago). That said, he tries very hard and can often surprise us.

One such surprise came over the weekend. He is training for a three mile run that he must complete in order to enter the black belt training cycle for karate. He needs to do it in 30 minutes or less. In order to prepare, he is working on the "Couch to 5K" program that his mother and older brother both used to prepare for their events. Since the weather up until recently has been fairly poor, he has done most of his work on the treadmill.

He was scheduled for a fairly simple workout. He would walk for 5 minutes, run for 20, and then walk for the last five. We decided to go to the track where he will do his run to get him used to running outdoors.

Once there, I started to realize how hot it was. The thermometer said 72 degrees, but it felt much hotter than that on the track. He started off walking. We agreed that he really only needed two minutes to warm up and then he started into a jog.

As he rolled around the second lap, I realized that he was actually on pace to complete his target. I would announce the laps as they rolled past and tried to keep him focused. I even joined in on the last mile.

When the final lap came, he actually started off at a sprint! He closed with a strong finish and crossed the finish line in 28:49!! Not bad for his first full three mile run!

Needless to say, I am incredibly proud of my boy.

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