Friday, May 27, 2016

Only in retrospect

It's easy to miss the moment as it's happening. We sometimes get so caught up in thinking about what we are going to say or do in the future that we forget what is right in front of our noses.

When I look back someday, this week will certainly be one of those types of sneaky milestones. The in-laws are visiting, and grandma noticed that my oldest is now as tall as she is. When she last visited him, he was likely several inches shorter. Now that they can literally see eye to eye, I think it seems to mark a milestone of sorts. I'm sure the same type of milestone will occur when he is as tall as my wife is now. Shortly thereafter, his younger brother will mark those same milestones and she will be the shortest one in the family.

Time has a way of grinding on despite our best efforts to slow it down.

Perhaps that is why I am such a firm believer in making the most of the moment when it is there. You never know if it will happen again. And what will you do if it doesn't?

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