Monday, October 19, 2015

You are now free to move about the country

Original post: Apr 28, 2015

In this new era of travel, it seems that baggage fees have pushed a lot of people to drag half their houses onto the plane. I think we've all seen the person with the overstuffed rollerboard and at least two additional bags struggle to squeeze down the aisle.
Boeing has taken this newer phenomenon into account. In the latest redesign for the 737, it incorporated a new design that will allow for up to six rollerboards to fit into the overhead space. Since the 737 is a workhorse that is frequently used on routes around the world, more and more of us should have less of an issue with the spacehogs on the flights--even if we don't all have elite frequent flyer status.
The key is that the new bins will hang lower so that bags can be stored on the short vertical axis. Lower bins will also be easier to load.

Now if only they can do something about the width of the seats....

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