Friday, July 8, 2016

Nagging limitations

At some point on our recent driving trip, I strained some muscles in my lower back. This has happened before on long drives. I'm not sure if it is tied to an awkward position held for long stretches of time or perhaps a misstep at some point. Whatever the cause, it was excruciating.

I first noticed it when I tried to get out of the car. After I opened the door, I went to take a step out and realized that my body did not want to move in the way that I intended. Waves of pain shot from my lower back down my leg and back up to my brain. I gingerly forced myself out of the car in the way that an elderly person might.

Over the course of the next few days, I had the family help me. My wife went first and helped to ease some of the knots. There was temporary relief, but it soon returned. My younger son took his turn standing on some of the worst areas. Again, it helped for a while but the discomfort was soon back.

It's been over a week now. I had to stop working out temporarily because the pain was too great. The last two days, I have been able to walk on the treadmill for a few miles. I feel as if I am getting closer to normal. As I type this out, there is still a dull ache and a twinge in my lower back.

It's weird to think that only about ten days ago, I was feeling really good. There were absolutely no concerns of any sort and no pain whatsoever. I'm not sure what triggered this phenomenon, but I hope it doesn't come back for a very long time!

All in all, incidents like these help remind you that your health is far more fragile than you think. It also makes you appreciate even more the good things that you do have in your life!

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