Thursday, November 12, 2015

For every action

Original post:  May 14, 2015

In life, there may not be equal and opposite reactions for every action that we take. There are, however, consequences for each decision that we do or do not make.

This morning, I was filled with despair when I looked at my yard. This is a picture of just a small area.
Wide swaths of turf were torn up. Huge patches of bare dirt stared back at me. I slowly realized that they had returned.

I have a murder of crows that haunts our neighborhood. They are very smart. Two years ago, they realized that I was the only lawn on the street that didn't have chemical enhancement. They also saw that the grubs seemed to like my lawn. I had been purposely avoiding laying down any type of insecticide because my boys liked to play in the lawn. The grubs have been especially bad recently and you could see patches where they have nibbled away all the roots. Long story short, they have attacked any area in the lawn showing the slightest hint of activity in search of a tasty morsel.

It's ironic that my attempt to take a temporary break to keep my boys a little healthier backfired so spectacularly. While I'm disappointed, at least there is a remedy.

I've never really wanted a showcase lawn. Unfortunately, I will have to break down now and get the grub killer. It will be the only way to keep the crows away. I set to work raking and re-seeding. We'll start the cycle again.

I wonder what the next chain of events will bring.

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