Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Who are you going to believe?

Original post:  Mar 9, 2015

Video can be quite unforgiving.

Over the weekend, I was transferring some home movies to DVD for the grandparents. My mother-in-law is quite skeptical of internet sites like YouTube. While it takes a lot more time, it is also nice to have some physical reminder as opposed to a virtual reference every now and again.

There was some video of the boys last year delivering their speeches for the Toastmasters group. I had also videotaped my older son giving a speech he delivered on Robert Goddard. I thought that it was a nice way to show how much he had progressed over the last year.

Little league tryouts are next Sunday. Since we have barely picked up a ball since fall, I thought it would be a good idea to get outside and toss a few. I also decided to videotape him pitching. It was actually quite interesting to watch on the playback. You start to notice small differences in the delivery that can be corrected. There is a reason why professionals often videotape their efforts and review them. The camera stares and records all of your best efforts. It also reveals correctable flaws.

The only unfortunate piece is that it can't correct them for you.

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